Division of Biology and Medicine
BioMed Faculty Administration


Contact information for the Office of BioMed Faculty Administration

Campus Location

300 Richmond Street
Providence, RI 02903

Mailing Address

BioMed Faculty Administration
The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University
Box G-R
Providence, RI 02903

General Contact Information

Phone: (401) 863-6919
Fax: (401) 863-2940

Staff Contacts

  • Michele Cyr

    Michele Cyr, MD, MACP

    Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs

    To speak with Dean Cyr, please contact Heather Robichaud at (401) 863-2315.

  • Alexis Kelleher

    Alexis Kelleher

    Contact Alix Regarding:

    • BioMed Biology and Clinical Faculty lifecycle
    • BioMed Faculty Administration office
    • BMFA data entry and dissemination of information and reports
    • BMFA workshops and events
    • Representation of faculty affairs relating to all policy and committee requirements across the Division of BioMed and Brown University
  • Jaymee Woolhiser

    Jaymee Woolhiser

    Assistant Director

    Contact Jaymee Regarding:

    • Annual lifecycle of Biology Faculty including:
    • BMFA website management
    • Faculty Leave and Resources
    • Junior Faculty Mentoring Program
    • New Biology Faculty Orientation
    • Workday Transactions


  • Vilma Cortez Jusayan

    Vilma Cortez Jusayan

    Manager of Academic Affairs

    Contact Vilma Regarding:

    • Committee on Medical Faculty Appointments (CMFA)
    • Graduate Medical Education (GME) residency and fellowship programs
    • Endowed professorship reporting
  • Mishkin

    Jordan Mishkin

    Faculty Data Coordinator

    Contact Jordan Regarding:

    • Faculty appointment and contact information
    • Faculty data systems (COGNOS, Researchers@Brown)
    • Rosters and email lists
    • Workday faculty actions

    Submit a BioMed Faculty Data Request Form

  • Heather Robichaud

    Heather Robichaud

    Executive Assistant

    Contact Heather Regarding:

    • BMFA event planning and coordination
    • Clinical Faculty Advisory Committee (CFAC)
      • Teaching Awards for Clinical Faculty: ~35 awards/year
    • Department Identity Administrator (DIA) access and questions
    • Financial Coordinator
    • Scheduling for Dean Cyr
    • Oriana Rose

      Oriana Rose

      Faculty Actions Specialist

      Contact Oriana Regarding:

    • Michelle Turcotte

      Michelle Turcotte

      Administrative Coordinator

      Contact Michelle Regarding:

      • BMFA event Coordination
      • Clinical/Medical Appointments, Reappointments, Promotions, and Terminations
      • Department Identity Administrator (DIA) access and questions
      • Faculty Appointment and Promotion Certificate creation
      • Faculty Verifications
      • Sponsored IDs